I feel so blessed to have found out about the Kingdom Building Institute! For years I have had such a growing thirst to know and understand the Bible better and this desire is being fulfilled with the classes I have taken with KBI!

I am a regular church goer but I had never undertaken any formal biblical studies and had limited myself to only understanding the preached messages at a superficial level. Since taking courses under the leadership of the inspired KBI teachers, God’s word has taken on so much more depth and meaning to me.

KBI courses have given me the foundation and thirst to understand better the context and the history of the events that are preached and taught by my spiritual leaders, given me the desire to do independent research that will fortify my knowledge and personal commitment to continue on this incredibly important and worthwhile journey to understand the word of God and apply those words to my life. I truly do see myself now as Founder as a “budding theologian.” KBI has been a blessing in my life!